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  • Pop-ups were very wordy, could be replaced with one sentence and possibly icons
  • The "Esc" and "health" UI elements are unable to be seen in full screen mode and slightly cut off in windowed mode (on itch)
  • On both winning screen, the "reload level' and the "quit" buttons were cut off in full screen mode (on itch)
  • In full screen mode, on both levels' winning screen, a strip of navy blue and a red line (possibly another scene?) can be seen on the left
  • Health bars were really beneficial, made me feel a bit more in control
  • Unsure of what LMB means? Possibly left mouse button, but didn't recognize the abbreviation
  • Grenade doesn't do splash damage as expected, took a few plays to realise that it works more like a "throwing axe" or something, rather than a bomb
  • The stone trap didn't do as much damage as anticipated, expected it to leave the zombie with 1hp, but took several shots to kill it
  • The tutorial button/lever pulling pop-up has a typo. "Pull the level"
  • Unable to jump in the first level, but able to jump in the second level?
  • Can place unlimited traps with only 1 grenade
  • Took a while to figure out what I was doing and after a few plays, still didn't know how to use the grenade
  • The "e" key being used to interact with items is universal to most people who play games, but would've been nice to have the doors act in the same way since it confused me every time I went up to a door that I had to press W or S depending on the door
  • It's hard to tell what sort of damage I am doing to the zombies, adding a health bar or sprites that look different depending on the damage dealt would be useful as a visual signifier
  • Sometimes the zombies will go through doors (which was frightening when they did!) but sometimes they won't
  • I couldn't close the pit once I'd opened it, which I did the second I saw it! Not sure if that was implemented on purpose to make the player plan ahead or not
  • I really enjoyed the zombies coming through the doors, I didn't expect it, and it genuinely made me panic!

Zombie Hall v0.1

 - Clearly placeholder, but even the placeholder makes obvious what is what. Noice
 - Confusing. No visual feedback to my actions. My grenade looked like it did nothing? I'm sure it did, but no idication that it did anything so can't be sure it's working.
 - The actual controls make sense. Only had to look up grenade which also makes sense after I looked it up. None of them are awkward to press.
 - Bullets don't shoot exactly towards the mouse, but I didn't notice this during actual gameplay.

 - Game really needs a tutorial. Can't wait to see one as you do more work :D
I can see a lot of potential here. Love me a good zombie survival game.


Just some feedback. The instructions need to be easier to find. I only found them when I tried to quit the game by pressing the escape key. Even just an single line telling player to press escape for instructions would help. Entering doors is confusing. Sometime you have to press W other times you press S. I cant keep track of which button to press in which door. One button would make the game flow more. I want to be able to jump over the gap after the zombies have fallen down it, or re-enable the trap door so I can walk across it. In one room, a green enemy was stuck against the left wall. After I destroyed the first horde by making them fall through the hole, later in another room with another horde, they did not follow me through the door, as I wanted them to come into the room with the falling bricks trap. I never seemed to be able to pickup any ammo, no matter how often I replayed the game. I like the environment traps, made me think rather than just blasting everything, its more satisfying killing them using the traps than by shooting them :-)